Finding Peace and Margin in a World That Never Stops
We live in a world that seemingly glorifies busyness. It can be a struggle to find peace and margin with so many activities and commitments. Your calendar may overflow, your to-do list may never end (so true for me), or constant notifications of your electronics roll in at a relentless pace. Have you considered that life doesn’t have to be this way? What if, instead of saying yes to every request made of us, we allowed ourselves the gift of margin?
Margin us more than another term for free time; it’s about creating space for what matters most—room for your soul to breathe, connect, and thrive. Let’s drive into ways to cultivate peace and build margin in a busy, bustling world.
Why Does Margin Matter?
A good way to look at margin is that it is the gap between our load and our limits. There is a difference between what we “can” do and what we “should” do. Without margin, it become an easy go be overwhelmed, exhausted, and disconnected from things that truly bring us fulfillment and joy.
Living life without margin can lead to a sense of emptiness, strained relationships, and burnout —made even worse when we want our lives to look “full” to others. When we purposefully create margin, we find more than time. Amazingly, we find clarity, energy, and a connection to the present moment that we’ve likely missed.
How Can You Create Margin?
1. Simplify The Priorities
Take a look and be sure your commitments are aligned with your values. If something no longer serve a your purpose, learn to let it go. Instead, focus on doing fewer things well. Rather than doing more for the sake of busyness, focused on doing what matters most.
2. Establish Boundaries
Saying no when necessary, and resisting the pressure to overcommit can protect your time and energy. Communicate your boundaries firmly—whether it relates to with work, social commitments, or even family expectations.
3. Practice the Power of Pause
Make sure to build moments of rest into your day. Something as simple as enjoying a cup of coffee without distractions, saying a prayer in your quiet time, or taking a walk outside to feel the sun on your face. These valuable pauses, as small as they are, anchor you in the present and replenish your spirit.
4. Embrace a “Good Enough” Mentality
Perfection is the enemy of peace. If you have a mind set of thinking that everything has to be done perfectly, let it go. Whether it’s the appearance of your home or the to-do list items you’ve checked off, allow yourself to be okay with “good enough.”
How Can You Find Peace Amid Chaos?
1. Slow Down Your Mind
Stress at it any level can cause a cluttered mind. Journaling, prayer, or simple gratitude reflection can untangle the thoughts that race through your cluttered head. Dump the things that are overwhelming you on a piece of paper or speak them verbally—either one is a powerful way to declutter your mind.
2. Cultivate Gratitude
When life begins to feel overwhelming, take a pause to acknowledge the things you are most grateful for. Gratitude can shift your focus from what is lacking to what is present in abundance. Start simply with 3-5 things per day, no matter how small—a kind word, a laugh with your kids, or even the warmth of your morning coffee.
3. Build Connection
Peace isn’t just found in times spent alone; it is often found in meaningful relationships. Prioritize time with people who uplift and support you the most. Authentic connection fosters joy and reminds us we are not alone in life’s journey.
Do You Need Permission to Be Present?
The core of finding margin and peace is in giving yourself permission to slow down and simply be. You don’t have to earn the opportunity to rest, you don’t have to justify taking moments of quiet, and you don’t have to apologize for needing space. Peace is a necessity, and one you should not apologize for.
You may find as you begin to carve out margin in your life, you’ll make room for more than just tasks. You’ll discover beauty in small moments, the joy of deep connections, and the clarity to pursue what matters most. Let go of the rush and take a deep breath.
You may find you have created space your heart has been longing for. You will be able to embrace the peace waiting just beyond the noise.
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