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Gratitude Wins, Anxiety Loses

Can you think of a time when you were anxious but you were also grateful? I personally struggle to pull myself out of moments of anxiety, so I was inspired by the idea that scientifically stated, gratitude and anxiety cannot exist in your brain at the same time. What is making you anxious at the time is not likely going to be the same thing that comes to mind when listing things you are grateful for. But the shift in your mind to expressing gratitude can help train the brain to appreciate even the smallest things, which can refocus your life experience dramatically.

Taking time to focus on gratitude increases your overall happiness and life satisfaction. There is even an impact to your overall health. The best part is the fact that studies show that expressing gratitude decreases not only anxiety, but depression and anger too. Now thats worth a second read.

I believe that journaling your way into an attitude of gratitude is one of the most beneficial things you can do for yourself.  Not only does it feel good to get your thoughts out of your head, but you can pause and reflect on the words you’ve written to truly understand what is triggering the positive or negative emotions. There’s no right or wrong way to begin journaling. The frequency in which you journal can be whatever feels right at the time. I have journaled since before I became a parent and I was writing my thoughts down in other forms back to my teenage years.

Poetry was my go to back then, and I’m sure it was cringeworthy, but it gave me a way to process my emotions and that’s the most important thing. When I was pregnant with my first child I started keeping a journal so I could express my thoughts, fears and concerns. While the journaling has continued for over 20 years, I’ve only recently shifted to focusing on gratitude journaling and prayer journaling. There’s an amazing gift that comes from having written evidence of all the ways life has unfolded and things you were once unsure about were key to your personal growth.

I sincerely encourage you to either start journaling with a focus on gratitude, or shift your current journaling habits. As the words of gratitude come easier to you; make an effort to incorporate prayer into your writings. Ask God for what you need and believe that it will come to pass if it’s in his will. As time goes on you will see how prayer and gratitude go hand in hand while leaving no room for anxiety.

Philippians 4:6-7 says “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

I hope you take this encouragement to heart and give gratitude and prayer journaling a try. I’d love to hear how you’ve seen God working in your life.


Dec 31, 2023

I just received a prayer journal for 2024 and am looking forward to using it this year and recording all God is showing me!

Julie Sutton
Julie Sutton
Dec 31, 2023
Replying to

That is a great step as we head into 2024. I hope you see all amazing works of God through it.

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