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Guarding Your Heart and Mind

When it comes to a personal state of peace in my heart and mind I find the following phrase so comforting. “Peace comes from confidence in God, and is not dependent on the circumstance.” Think on that for a minute. Your circumstances can determine a lot of things in your life, but the peace inside your heart is not one of them.

The peace that passes all understanding will guard your heart and mind according to the word of God. Now that we’ve come to this conclusion let’s think about the importance of peace in our lives. Peace allows us the feelings of tranquility, restfulness and harmony. The opposite of peacefulness is anxiety, anguish and agitation. Which sounds better to you? I know what I am striving for. Whatever it takes, remove things from your life that deters the feeling of tranquility.

When the harmony in our lives is threatened it can take our focus away from God and all that we are meant to achieve in this one life we are given. Paying close attention to how others treat us is key to staying on track. I am not fond of using the word ‘toxic’ when referring to other people, but there are some flags that you can look out for so you can take action.

If you have ever experienced someone in your life who consistently disrespects your boundaries or fails to honor your limits, that’s a red flag.  If you have been judged over and over by someone who always has to be right, that’s a red flag. If you have been manipulated by someone who lies and plays the victim, that’s a red flag. And lastly, if being around someone who leaves you feeling drained instead of filling you up, that’s a red flag.

Think about the people in your life who respect your time, listen to you and build you up. Then think about the person or people in your life who threaten your sense of self due to the red flags mentioned previously. Who deserves your time and attention? Do you need to separate yourself from someone?

Whether it’s a physical life adjustment to not be around them or blocking them on social media, do what is needed to clear your focus. Then pray for that person and find it in your heart to forgive them. You never know what they have been through that caused them to treat others certain ways. You don’t have to allow them back in your life but instead take the lesson learned and move on. Use the experience to grow into a better person and remember to treat others how you’d like to be treated. The golden rule goes a long way when it comes to simply living a better life.


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