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Repurposing Your Passion

People will say to leave the past in the past and there’s no sense in looking back. From my perspective I believe it is in looking back that we can begin to look forward. I have spent the last couple of years considering how to reinvent myself as a working mama. After stepping away from a career that spanned two decades, I was extremely grateful for the opportunity to focus on being a mom, a wife and an individual who no longer felt inseparable from a professional title or salary.

When I stepped away from my career, it took me a long time to decide how, or if, I would put myself out there as a professional in the same area of expertise or if I would try something new. I am grateful for the opportunity to venture into new things over the last couple of years. There were so many blessings along the way and I learned a lot. My blog is an example of trying something new and benefitting greatly. It has been great for my mental health.

There’s something to be said about the term “golden handcuffs” in business. Loyalty and commitment only go so far in your job. It can feel impossible to leave a company due to the position title or compensation structure even if the fulfillment is no longer there. The sense of needing to prioritize my personal life over my professional life played a big role in me choosing to become a contractor rather than an employee for the immediate term.  The distance that remote work offers has more benefits than just working from home. During this phase of my life I needed some space to do things my way.

I am thankful for the chance to be back in a position where I get to contribute professionally in a way that I feel most confident. I had to be sure I wanted to spend my time helping other businesses in a familiar way when I had given so much for so many years only to have that door closed. I was blessed by long time connections that led to the next steps in my life professionally. I wanted to include a few things that you could consider if you find yourself in a similar place.

Be honest with yourself…

I believe it is necessary to be honest with yourself on how you feel after a big life change. In my experience I tend to think more about what others must think about my choices than what I think about them. I trust that God is opening doors and closing doors in the right time in my life but it doesn’t always feel like it when the waiting seems never-ending. Being honest with yourself in the waiting will take you far as you move forward.

Be sure of yourself…

From my experience you should be sure of what your strengths are and what they aren’t. Whether it’s by taking a strengths finder type quiz or talking to family and friends. If you doubt where your strengths really are, others can help you focus in on them. I benefited from a professional coaching session a few years back that I have referred back to a number of times.

Be confident in yourself….

There is so much to be gained when you position yourself as a confident person. Believe in your capabilities and what you bring to the table. If you find it hard to define the areas where you should be most confident take some time to reflect on it. Maybe there were times when you had the answers when no one else had them. Or there may be something you are naturally good at that most aren’t. Think about it and make a list. Over time you will get there.

I hope you are in a place in your life where you are excited about the future. If you are not, then consider being honest with yourself on what you want the next phase of your life to look like. I wish you all the best.

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